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Do It Yourself Science

Check out our bite-sized experiments that are sure to be fun for everyone! Just follow our recipe's for a STEAM-tastic time!

STEAM-tivities for all!


Astronomers use powerful Spectroscopes to study the composition of stars and planets millions of light years away. In this experiment you will use a CD to examine bands of lights just as astronomers do.


Is it a volcano or is it slime? How about both! If you like playing with slime AND watching chemical reactions you will love this exploding slime experiment!  


Ever wondered what DNA looks like? Although it may not look like the typical double-helix structure of DNA, you can still see the DNA of things we eat daily including strawberries without the need for a microscope!


We typically see a balloon to be seen “blown” up upright, but have you ever seen a balloon to be blown  up upside-down or inverted? In this experiment, prepare to be “blown” away with the awesome science behind the inverted balloon in a bottle.

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This festive activity will walk you through how to create mesmerizing crystal sculptures and ornaments out of simple materials you may already have around the house.


This festive activity will walk you through how to create mesmerizing crystal sculptures and ornaments out of simple materials you may already have around the house.


A new twist on an old favorite! Take making slime to the next level by adding some luminosity- create a slime that glows in the dark under a blacklight!

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Create a mesmerizing and ghoulish decorations that will keep everyone entertained using the power of science! Explore the concept of density using ingredients you can find in your kitchen and make a “bleeding” cloud of mysterious goo!

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Instead of bouncing off a wall this summer, how about bouncing a the wall instead? 🤣 Check out the link below to see what household items you'll want to grab to have and make a super cool bouncy ball! 

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Did you know that milk changes colors??? No no I don’t mean when it gets spoiled...unless we’re spoiling it with some science. But then again spoiling it with science isn’t such a bad thing now is it? If you’re a bit confused, don’t worry we’ve got you covered. Click the link to play with some milk and make some milk-a-delic colors. Ready to wow?! Lets go!

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Add some splashes of color to your custom holiday card to give it a happy pop of your expression. But why stop at just coloring your card when you can also add colorful noodles to the mix? That’s right, COLORFUL noodles. “But how do you color noodles?” Click the link below to see how the pro’s do it.

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The solar power that lights up the LEDs is made possible by solar cells and photons that create clean energy. What are these things? Well, solar cells are semiconductors that absorb photons.

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In this experiment we’ll get to see what happens when light travels through air, glass, water, back out the glass, through air again, and to the paper!

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In this experiment we’ll get to see what happens when light travels through air, glass, water, back out the glass, through air again, and to the paper!

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Alright, so I’m sure we’ve all seen what happens when you add water to dry ice...but now add bubbles-sounds crazy cool right?! The science behind it is just as cool! Keep reading to find out exactly what’s happening


GET IT? LAV-A? LOL! In the 70s these were everywhere, now you can make a simplified version at home! But how does it work? It's all because of density and heat!

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In the world of cleaning, bleach and water are an incomparable duo. When mixed together, the bleach fades colors by oxidizing or reducing. See for yourself!

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Oobleck...Solid or Liquid?

What if we told you it was both? WAIT! Is it even possible for something to be a solid and a the same time? Only one way to find out...Shall we experiment?

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